How to print goog.DateTime as #inst
For a recent problem, I was working with goog.DateTime
objects and needed to send them along in JSON, specifically as #inst
The docs for goog.DateTime
say we can use them interchangeably with native js Date
objects, but a quick check shows that cljs doesn’t automatically do what we want:
cljs.user=> (pr-str (js/Date. "October 13, 2015"))
"#inst \"2015-10-13T05:00:00.000-00:00\"" ;;what we want
cljs.user=> (pr-str (DateTime. (js/Date. "October 13, 2015")))
"#object[Object 20151013T000000]" ;;what we get :(
There are several ways to do this (e.g. convert the DateTimes
to native Date
objects), but really I just want DateTime
objects to print like Date
objects without having to think about it.
Here’s the implementation for printing native js/Date
(defn- pr-writer-impl
;;details elided...
;;more details...
;; Use the new, more efficient, IPrintWithWriter interface when possible.
(implements? IPrintWithWriter obj)
(-pr-writer ^not-native obj writer opts)
;;more details...
(instance? js/Date obj)
(let [normalize (fn [n len]
(loop [ns (str n)]
(if (< (count ns) len)
(recur (str "0" ns))
(write-all writer
"#inst \""
(str (.getUTCFullYear obj)) "-"
(normalize (inc (.getUTCMonth obj)) 2) "-"
(normalize (.getUTCDate obj) 2) "T"
(normalize (.getUTCHours obj) 2) ":"
(normalize (.getUTCMinutes obj) 2) ":"
(normalize (.getUTCSeconds obj) 2) "."
(normalize (.getUTCMilliseconds obj) 3) "-"
;;details elided...
So we see the js/Date
print implementation, which we’d like to use for DateTime
. How to do that? Well, we see the check for implements? IPrintWithWriter
, so if we implement that protocol, we can print however we want. (It’d be nice if that code was separated into it’s own function, but it’s not a big deal to just copy it.) We want to apply this for every DateTime
object, so we can extend the DateTime
object via extend-type
(ns cljs.made-easy
(:import [ DateTime]))
(extend-type DateTime
(-pr-writer [obj writer _opts]
(let [normalize (fn [n len]
(loop [ns (str n)]
(if (< (count ns) len)
(recur (str "0" ns))
(write-all writer
"#inst \""
(str (.getUTCFullYear obj)) "-"
(normalize (inc (.getUTCMonth obj)) 2) "-"
(normalize (.getUTCDate obj) 2) "T"
(normalize (.getUTCHours obj) 2) ":"
(normalize (.getUTCMinutes obj) 2) ":"
(normalize (.getUTCSeconds obj) 2) "."
(normalize (.getUTCMilliseconds obj) 3) "-"
Now, we get what we want:
cljs.user=> (pr-str (DateTime. (js/Date. "October 13, 2015")))
"#inst \"2015-10-13T05:00:00.000-00:00\""
cljs.user=> (clj->js {:date (js/Date. "October 13, 2015")})
#js {:date #inst "2015-10-13T05:00:00.000-00:00"}
cljs.user=> (clj->js {:date (DateTime. (js/Date. "October 13, 2015"))})
#js {:date #inst "2015-10-13T05:00:00.000-00:00"} ;;aw yeah
With extend-type
and IPrintWithWriter
, we can simply control how various objects are printed. Even more generally, we can use extend-type
and any protocol to add functionality to types/objects, without needing to break them open.
If we only cared about JSON, we could use IEncodeJS
in a similar way. It’s useful to have consistent printable dates (e.g. for debugging) so IPrintWithWriter
is worth using here.